“He was called the Friend of God.”
James 2:23

The Exhaustive and Devotional Commentary on Genesis
Lesson 11
The Light in the Darkness
Genesis 1:2-5
Lesson 12
The Universal Rules of Life
Genesis 1:2-5
Lesson 13
God’s Discretion and Our Choices
Genesis 1:1-5
Lesson 14
Applying the Universal Rules
Genesis 1:11-31
Lesson 15
An Unthankfulness to God
Genesis 1:11-31
Lesson 17
The Significance of Our Quiet Time
Genesis 2:1-25
Lesson 18
God and Man’s Relationship
Genesis 2:5-25
Lesson 19
Three Important Relationships from Genesis 2
Genesis 2:15-25
Lesson 20
The Three Foundational Truths
Genesis 3:1-8